Friday, 14 September 2012

Micro Blogging

So today, I have decided to research on micro-blogging.

To be honest, I have not really heard of this technical term. Maybe it's just me, or has anyone else heard it before? Ha...If so, pardon my ignorance, I am trying my best - I promise! ;)

Then, I was asking Google(obviously after doing a Google search) and not literally talking to someone named Google or even the organisation itself.
Anyway! I have learnt that micro-blogging is apparantly writing very short blog posts on UKOLN word document, similar to text messages. Okie(pardon my own spelling of 'okay'-although by now, you should be used to my crazy 'Yvonne-ish' terminology eh ;) ), in my own terms, or in maybe some of your terms as well, we commonly call it 'status updates'.. You know, like how we update our statuses occasionally, or maybe hourly(that is rather extreme for me though) for some of you..

I was wondering why do organisations bother to microblog - after all, personally, we only do our own status updates when something significant happens in our day-to-day life..- or for me at least! hehe
What I have found out from Sandy Carter's video is that micro blogging within the organisation, generally helps a whole lot of communication and bonding within the organisation. They include what employess are doing today(calendar), announcements, Conversation on your board, two way channel for ideas and feedback, asking for help to leverage network and lastly Executive Public recongnition. In case anyone might not know or might be curious, Sandy Carter is the Vice President at IBM in social business.

I found it incredible how IBM had implemented their microblogging internally. Check this Slide 11 of the slideshow . Incredible, isn't it! They include status update integrated with your intranet profile, employees can easily view updates from their contacts or from the entire organisation, etc.

Photo credits: Jeff Bullas

Then again, me being me, I like to always find out about the advantages and disadvantages of implementing microblogging. This is what I have gathered so far from:
Advantages would include:
- Greater understanding of what is actually going on in the organisation across teams or projects
- Personalizing and demystifying the aura of senior leaders
- Seeking opinion and exploring options before decisions are made
- Driving engagement and the feeling that everyone’s opinion is important
- Increasing social status of employees in business related matters

All in all, from what I see it, the benefits includes mainly on the bonding within the organisations and the employees, which is definitely a good thing.

As for the disadvantages, I guess the biggest one would be its limitation of text/characters - 140 characters?

Last but not least, personally, I found it amazing, even BBC has got its own social media strategy! Amazing!

What about u? Personally, do you microblog? Okie, apart from facebook and Twitter, are there any other Tools that you use?

Some sites that are worth a read!:


  1. I use yammer at my workplace as our corporate micrologging tool and have found another advantage to the ones you've described so well: in a large organisation it connects employees across organisations structures and geographies. I've posted questions and got answers from people I never would have connected with otherwise. Also, I've found it a great way to connect withother development teams in other parts of the business to share practices and learn from each other. One thing I've found interesting is that sometimes it can take sime coaching for some people to get used to microblogging, it's a very different way to communicatenfor people unfamiliar with twitter or any othe microblogging tool.

  2. Hi Amanda,

    that is quite true. It is amazing how such tools, thanks to technology, can connect everyone else in this modern world, regardless of where one is, at the corporate ladder.

    That is a very good example. Like, how the business/operations department are always not willing to learn about, or just plainly unaware of what really goes on in the IT team, or that they just do not care. It would be a very good way of interaction between the IT dept and the operational people.

  3. Hi Yvonne.
    In my view micro-blogging is when you summarize and idea in 2-3 phrases and post it. We can even add a link to the full blog if necessary. Twitter is the success case study for micro-blogging.
    I agree with you, in the end it's just a convenient way to make ideas short, this way people can save time reading.
    In my working place we are also using Yammer (Amanda said she is using Yammer too). Usually, when I post something I summarize an article in two phrases to stimulates people's curiosity and then I add the link to the full post.
    That's indeed one convenient alternative for blogging.

    1. Hey Charles,

      yeah, definitely.

      I know what u mean about summarising, and letting people be curious and put on their thinking caps. That definitely works.

      It makes people curious and let them question even more. And in turn, I guess it will also let the person who micro-blog think further as well.

  4. Hi Yvonne,

    with a word limit of 140 characters I guess an organization could use it for small advertisements of specials (say an airport would advertise a shops specials) or just status updates (airport could update flight delays for example).

    Other then facebook or twitter I don't micro-blog though :|

    1. Hi Adam,

      yeah, that is a good one. Airports would be a good place, where people are normally in good mood - apart from the business travellers(no offence to anyone) I guess.

      Also, it is a place where people tend to be more relaxed and are more willing to provide feedback while waiting.

  5. Personally, I think the word limit has its benefit. The message needs to be short and concise. It is quick to read and does not eat too much into the daily task. For productivity purposes, short and simple messages are always better than a long-winded one. The challenge now is to be able to convey the same message in less number of words. I guess, the users can always add a link to another website or document if required.

  6. I agree with Karen. Having a word limit does indeed have a benefit. It comes down to quality over quantity, the law faculty at QUT essentially have a 2000 word limit on their assignments as they believe if you can't say what you want in 2000 words, you're not doing it correctly.

    you can say a fair bit in 140 words. the shortest story in the world is said to be by Hemingway.. it goes ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") 6 words can bring on so many different emotions, and i think that's the entire point of microblogging.

    David -

  7. Hello Yvonne!

    Great post, i agree with the advantages you have posted regarding the implementation of micro-blogging. I think that all businesses can gain alot from the implementation but they do also risk few things like too much information/wrong information being given out.
    At the same time, organizations need tools to collaborate and share information through, that's when tools like yammer come into play.

    They should definitely use blogs, twitter and Facebook to post information and update statuses regarding their current deals.

    Great post, keep up the good work!
    Feel free to check out my blog

  8. Hi Yvonne,

    Ha~I like your picture! I notice that there are continuously more organisations conduct micro blogging as there they can find their potential customers by search for ‘key word’ in the short blog. In terms of the word limit, I guess it is a good way that organization involve website hyperlink which can lead to more information. By the way, your post is really fantasic!

  9. Hi Yvonne,

    I have never heard of micro-blogging before either. Well I know what it is but never know what it called.. Haha
    Anyway limitation of 140 words.. I think that's the purpose for "micro", expressing the feeling immediately, that's what is for.
    I think the bad thing is.. As there has no special laws controlling people's behaviors on micro blog, some people are irresponsible for the information they offer sometimes..

    Yan :)
