Friday, 10 August 2012

Web 2.0 Tools

I have to say that I am very much a beginner for Web 2.0 Tools and Technology. But well, it is always good to start somewhere to learn about it. Since Technology is always going to advance, and you never know how you could contribute. Given the fact that you may know the older technology, you might be able to contribute by providing feedback or suggestions as to how the new versions of Technology and Tools can be improved, based on personal experience with the older version of technology.

I must say that I am truly impressed after doing a simple google search on the different types of Web 2.0 Tools. I have discovered so many types of different websites that provides various applications and functions that I have never thought of was possible.(Although there really is nothing impossible with Technology)

These were the sites that I found and had signed up on:
1)  DoInk

Interface of the creation of the animation

Example of a nicely created animation which i found on DoInk.

I have to admit that although this is my first time with experimenting with such a Tool/website, I do find it absolutely amazing.
This site actually allows people to create animations based on their creativity. It is for anyone and does not require people to have specific technical skills or anything.
This would pretty much be a very useful tool, for those who want to create some animations and have them on their websites, or who want to share their ideas with the world through animations.

2) Wallwisher

A simple example of Wallwisher function

Wallwisher did impress me too. It is quite a useful Tool, whereby you do not need to have any knowledge of HTML or be 'techy' in that sense. You just need to know what you want to do. Like, your purpose of having the wall. Through Wallwisher, one can create noticeboards, brainstorm ideas, make lists, learn, collect feedback, etc.

This can be your very own personal homepage, for people to visit and comment, or share ideas or even collaborate in any sense. This, I believe would be very handy if people want 'straight to the point' homepages with quality content instead of very fanciful webpages. Although, not many people would be interested if a webpage is not fanciful enough. Then again, what people are truly after when it comes to knowledge, I would want to think that they should be after quality content instead of fanciful images and all, just for the sake of entertainment.

3) My ebook

This is another one that caught my attention. This allows those who have a very strong passion in writing or even to the extent of writing a book of their own, to publish and even sell their books online, as an ebook(electronic book).

This would be very useful for professional writers, in the sense whereby they do not need to personally head down to any kind of writing agency and discuss with the people in charge, or even sign a deal or contract. This would then save them quite alot of time, and save them the trouble of needing to go through the countless negotiations for the pricing of their publications. Also, this in turn, would mean that they will be able to earn more for their own keeps by publishing their ebooks through this website on their own.

Personally, I love writing, and might even consider doing that for myself one day. Not bad an idea at all.

How cool that is!

Photo Credit: Ross Mayfield

What about you? Are you currently making use of any of such tools? Or, have you discovered any of the above Tools like I did?


  1. Hi Yvonne,

    Some nifty little tools here to help your artistic side express itself! I think that final tool is very similar to facebook though.

    I began playing a game called draw it yesterday which is also fun for drawing but probably not a web 2.0 tool.

    Time to begin my search for some web 2.0 tools!

    1. Hey Adam!

      yeah..definitely..although I'm not the most artistic person around, given the fact that I had even failed art back in primary school.. Geee...someone like myself failing art? That's insane isn't it.

  2. Hey Yvonne :-)

    Thanks for sharing heaps of interesting web2.0 tools.
    i personally like the Wallwisher most :-D
    Among so many tools only a few can catch users' eye and keep attracting new users.
    I think itz quite interesting to study how particular web2.0 website can make a big success :-)

    The last pic can completely illustrate "why enterprise2.0?"
    bcuz we wanna exploit the profit from user generated contents!
    But my idea is a bit different:

    I think both of users and web2.0 companies could benefit from utilizing social media since users enjoy and share the contents created through community while companies receive desired outcome.

    Such a win-win situation, isn't it :-)

    1. Thanks Edie! Yeah, personally I quite like Wallwisher too! It is quite cool to be able to make use of such an online tool to cater to your own needs, whether for personal or for business use!

  3. I am quite impressed by Wallwisher too. It seems like a good tool to create an online community notice board.
    Reading your blog has got me thinking of other web 2.0 tools that I might find helpful. I have been using a 'standalone' ShoppingList app on my iPhone and found that I had to check with my family whenever I'm at the shops to see if we need anything else. After a quick search, I found the GroceryGadget app that allows you to sync shopping lists with family (and a few other features). Looks like a collaborative shopping list might save us some time and phone calls. :)

    1. Hey Karen!

      wow..that Grocery Gadget app is indeed quite cool! I manage to find that after reading your post, and had also gotten my boyfriend to download on his too! So that I do not have to keep phoning him should he be at work or something.

      Good one!!
